Would you like to know the minimum cut off point required for Kumasi Technical University’s Masters programs? You’re in the right place if the answer is yes. The cutoff points for the Kumasi Technical University Masters Programs for the 2025–2026 academic year are also provided in this article.

Kumasi Technical University Cut Off Points for Masters programmes for the 2025–2026 academic year, The general cut-off for master’s programs at Kumasi Technical University (KSTU) is a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 1.50 after the first semester. Students with a GPA below 1.50 are put on probation.


Master of Technology in Power Systems and Energetics Engineering

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department Of Energy And Environmental Engineering

Admission Requirements

(a) BTech or BSc or BEd or BEng – with a minimum of Second Class (Lower) Division in engineering-related disciplines such as Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering-related programmes. Work experience in the related field will be an advantage.

All foreign qualifications will be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Council (GTEC) for determination of equivalences, eligibility, and placement before admission.

Year One, Semester One

Module 1: Power and Energetic Systems (14 Weeks)

Credit hours for courses under Module 1
SN.Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
1MEEE 551Power Electronics in Energy Systems223
2MEEE 553Engineering Research Methodology223
3MEEE 555Energy Management and Audit223
4MEEE 557Local Solutions for Energy Access223
5MEEE 561Power systems operation and control223
6MEEE 563Introduction to Artificial Intelligence223

T = Lecture/tutorial hours, P = Practical hours, C = Credit hours; One credit hour is defined as one-hour lecture/tutorial, or two-three practical hours.

Year One, Semester Two

Module 2: Manage and Optimize Power System II Mini-grids: Planning and Design (12 Weeks)

Credit hours for courses under Module 2
SN.Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
1MEEE 560Modelling and Control of Renewable Energy Systems223
2MEEE 562Renewable Energy and Grid Integration324
3MEEE XXXElective 324
4MEEE 566MTech Project Work 324

T = Lecture/tutorial hours, P = Practical hours, C = Credit hours; One credit hour is defined as one-hour lecture/tutorial, or two-three practical hours.

Elective Courses

The specialization of the programme is grouped into two electives. Table 14.3 expands on the course under each elective.

MTech, Power Systems and Energetics Engineering Elective courses
SN.Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
1MEEE 562Power Systems Analysis and Dynamics324
2MEEE 564Advanced Mini-Grid Power Systems324

Year Two, Semester One

Module 4: Design and Execute Research I (16 Weeks)

Credit hours for courses under Module 4
SN.Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
1MEEE 653Industrial Attachment0126
2MEEE 651MTech Thesis I02412

Under Industrial Attachment and MTech Thesis I, 5 practical hours give 1 credit. Students work on their thesis for 40 hours per week for 14 weeks. Industrial Attachment is undertaken by students during the long vacation for a period of eight weeks. 

Year Two, Semester Two

Module 5: Design and Execute Research II (16 Weeks)

Credit hours for courses under Module 5 
SN.Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
1MEEE 652MTech Thesis II03618

Under MTech Thesis II, 2 practical hours give 1 credit. Students are expected to work on their thesis for 40 hours per week for 14 weeks.

Master of Science in Banking and Finance (1 Year)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 1 Year

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Banking Technology and Finance


The duration of the MSc in Banking and Finance is one (1) year, and to gain admission to the programme, an applicant must satisfy the following minimum entry requirements:

This MSc will consider the following first-degree holders for admission: 

a. First Degree in any Business-related programmes or equivalent qualifications. Preference will be given to applicants with 1st Class and 2nd Class Upper Honours. 

b. Non-Business-related First Degree Graduates with a minimum of two years banking and finance industry experience; 

c. Applicants with an MBA or equivalent may also apply.

d. Applicants with professional membership in Chartered Institute of Bankers (CIB), Ghana, Associate of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), Institute of Chartered Accountant- Ghana (ICA), Association of Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) or their equivalence may apply. 


Foreign applicants from accredited/recognized institutions would be considered for admission in consultation with the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission for the determination of qualifications for equivalences.



Semester-by-semester structure/schedule of course, showing the credit value of each course This table provides the course names, course codes and the allocated credit hours for the respective courses for the MSc programme.

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Load
MSBF 503Financial Markets303
MSBF 505Pharmaceutical Financial Management303
MSBF 507Research Methods223
MSBF 509Financial Regulation and Supervision303
MSBF 511Quantitative Methods 223
MSBF 513Banking Operations303
Total 16418
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Load
MSBF 502Financial Econometric223
MSBF 504Bank Management303
MSBF 506Bank Risk Management303
MSBF 508International Finance303
MSBF 510Dissertation/Thesis0126
Total 82018

Master of Science in Agribusiness And Food Industry Management

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 1 Year

Programme Area: Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Agropreneurship

Admission Requirement


Domestic Students:

1. Applicants must have a first degree or equivalent certificate with a minimum of Second
Class (Lower) Division.

2. Candidates should have obtained BTech or BSc or its equivalent in the following fields:
Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agribusiness with Entrepreneurship, Food Science and Technology, Economics, Biological Sciences, or any other relevant field.

3. Candidates must attend an interview session and pass the interview.

4. Candidates may be required to do a short presentation on a proposed topic to demonstrate students’ basic skills and capabilities to pursue postgraduate studies and research work.

Foreign Students

Any Certificate that GTEC certifies to  be equivalent to a tertiary admission requirement for a master’s program

Year One First Semester 
S/N Course Code Course TitleCredits
1AGBM 501 Management and Or anizational Behaviour202
2AGBM 503 Applied Agribusiness Economics303
3AGBM 505 Research Methods and Statistics223
4AGBM 507 Advanced Agribusiness Management223
5AGBM 509 Advanced Postharvest Technology213
Electives Select ONLY 1 :
6AGBM 511 Fertilizer Management223
7AGBM 513 Managenet of Agrochemical Industry223
8AGBM 515 Advanced Farming Systems223
 TOTAL 13717
Year One Second Semester
S/N Course Code Course TitleCredits
1AGBM 502 Operations Research202
2AGBM 504 Agro-industry Mansgement223
3AGBM 506 Applied Econometric Techniques303
4AGBM 508 Human Resource Management202
5AGBM 510 New Venture Creation Project 1093
6AGBM 512 Seminar 1111
Electives Select ONLY 1
7AGBM 514 Livestock Products Technology223
8AGBM 516 Meat Processing Management223
 TOTAL  20623

Master of Science in Information Science

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Liberal Studies

Students’ Admission, Progression and Graduation

To be admitted into MSc. in Information Science programme, a candidate must satisfy the following minimum requirements of the University:

BTech, BSc. or BA in Library and Information Science or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution.

Applicants must have a minimum of one (1) year post-graduation or equivalent industrial experience.

Preference will be given to applicants with first class, second-class upper- and second-class lower division.

Applicants with third class and Pass with at least two years practical work experience will go through selection process by Interview.

Applicants with MA in Library Information Science Certificates and other related Certificates from qualified universities/institutions would be admitted at second year (level 600) to top-up with the research component.

Table 1: Year I   Semester 1
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSIS 501Foundations of Information Science
MSIS 503Information Retrieval Systems303
MSIS 505Information and Communication Technology in Information Science313
MSIS 507Research Methods in Information Science303
Two elective courses for each option
MSIS 509Information Organisation and Access (Library option)313
MSIS 511Digital Libraries and Digital Curation (Library option)313
MSIS 513Archival Studies and Records Management (Archives option)303
MSIS 515Preservation Strategics for Information Resources (Archives option)313
MSIS 517Knowledge Management in the Digital Age (Knowledge Management option)303
MSIS 519Information Visualization and Infographs (Knowledge Management option)313
Table 2: Year 1 Semester 2
Course CodeCourses Title
Credit Points
MSIS 502Information Literacy in the Digital Ecosystem303
MSIS 504Information Ethics and Intellectual Properties303
MSIS 506Management of Information Centres303
MSIS 508Social -Media and Community Engagement313
Any two elective courses for each option
MSIS 510Collection Management in the Information Age313
MSIS 512Special Libraries and Information Services 1303
MSIS 514Statistics for Information Professionals313
MSIS 516Information Entrepreneurship and Innovation303
MSIS 518Emerging Technologies in Information Scicncc313
MSIS 520Data Analytics for Information Professionals313
Table 3: Year 2 Semester 1
Course CodeCourses TitleCredit Points
MS1S 601Thesis I(Proposal)0126
MSIS 603Seminar I (Presentation of Proposal)0126
MSIS 605Industrial Attachment (Vacation)0126
Table 4: Year 2 Semester 2Credit Points
Course CodeCourses TitleTPC
MS1S 602Seminar II (Presentation of Findings)063
MSIS 604Thesis II02412
MSIS 606Seminar III (Final Thesis Defense)0126

Master of Technology In Computer Technology

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Applied Sciences & Technology

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Computer Science

Students’ Admission Requirements 

The target student for the new Program would be first degree (Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Technology) in Information Technology, Computer Science.

Computer Technology, Computer Engineering) and other Information Technology related fields. All foreign qualifications would be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for determination of Equivalences and eligibility for Admission to tertiary institutions in Ghana (National Accreditation Board Act, 2007 [Act 744 (2(2b)].


  1. Candidates may carry a minimum of 15 and maximum of 21 credit hours per semester.
  2. A student is required to maintain a minimum grade point average of 1.50 after first the semester
  3. A student with GPA of less than 1.50 after first semester shall be put on probation.
  4. There shall be only one re-sit examination, he/she should have taken the main semester examination during the academic year.
  5. A student who obtains a Cumulative GPA of less than 1.50 or higher after first year shall progress.
  6. A student who obtains a CGPA of less than 1.50 after first year shall repeat.
  7. Transcript shall reflect all grades and marks candidate obtains for all courses. All final grades for courses taken shall be used in computation of student’s GPA.


In addition to the general University Examination regulation, students are expected to satisfy special Department/Faculty/Institute requirements approved by the Academic Board.

The University and the faculty require that a pass in every required course shall be obtained by a student to qualify for the award of a Master of Technology Certificate. A student is expected to earn a minimum CGPA of 1.5 to qualify for certification.

              YEAR ONE SEMESTER ONE 

MTCT  151Advance Computer Network223Core
MTCT  153Network Application Programming with Java223Core
MTCT  131Database Technology and Database Security223Core
MTCT  111Operating Systems Security and Architecture223Core
MTCT  173Design and Analysis of Algorithms323Core
MTCT  191Advanced Web Programming and Technology223Core
MTCT  175Emerging Technologies in Computing223Core

             Year One Semester Two

MTCT  182Artificial Intelligence Applications and Machine Learning223Core
MTCT  164Computer and Cybersecurity223Core
MTCT  126Modelling & Simulation: Pharmaceutical Applications223Core
MTCT  122Software Architecture and Design Patterns223Core
MTCT  168Big Data and Analytics223Core
MTCT  142Research Methodology for Computer Scientist223Core
MTCT  166Mobile Computing and Development223Core

Master of Technology in Chemical Engineering

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Chemical Engineering

Master of Science in Real Estate Management

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 1 Year

Programme Area: Built & Natural Environment

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Estate Management

Master of Technology in Automotive Engineering

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department Of Automotive And Agricultural Mechanisation Engineering

Programme Aims, Objectives and Outcomes.

The aim of the Master of Technology (MTech) programme in Automotive Engineering is to equip 
students broads-based scientific knowledge and adequate hands-on skills in automotive engineering 
and related disciplines so that graduates are able to cope with emerging trends and advancements in 

The objectives of the MTech Automotive Engineering programme are to:

1. impact adequate theoretical concepts related to automotive engineering.

2. develop capacities of students in conducting research on current and emerging automotive industry.

3. impact students with adequate knowledge of modern theories and practice-based skills in automotive engineering.

4. train students to acquire knowledge transfer skills in Higher Institutions of Learning environment and also prepare them for terminal degrees.

Intended/Expected Outcomes 
At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to: 
1. To diagnose and service automobiles service with high professional and ethical standards.

2. Design and simulate automotive components and systems using CAD and simulation tools.

3. Install and commission automotive plants and equipment.

4. Conduct research into current and emerging automobile challenges.

5. Teach in Higher Institutions of Learning and also pursue their terminal degrees. 

Admission Requirement

a. One year-Master in Eng in Automotive Engineering or related disciplines are eligible for admission. 
They will be admitted into year 2 of the programme.

b. Bachelors’ Degree (BSc/BTech/BEd) Qualification

First degree (BTech/BSc/Bed. etc) certificate with a minimum of Second Class (Lower) Division in a related engineering discipline such as automotive/automobile, mechanical, electrical, mechatronic, agricultural, aerospace and marine. Working experience in the related field is seen as an advantage. Candidates with second-class lower must pass an interview session to be granted access to the programme.

c. Foreign Qualification

All foreign qualifications will be referred to Ghana Tertiary Education Council (GTEC) for determination of equivalences, eligibility and placement when admitted to pursue the programme. 


MTech graduates in Automotive Engineering can be employed in many different sectors of the economy. Based on an extensive web survey in addition to knowledge of the local situation in Ghana the following areas of potential employment were distinguished:

a. Vehicle assembly plants

b. Mining Industries

c. Oil and Gas industries

d. Educational institutions

e. Agricultural Mechanization Industry

f. Automotive dealerships (Toyota Ghana, CFAO Motors, Japan Motors, Silver Star Motors etc

g. Public Service Commission (Ministries, Government agencies and departments)

h. Security Services

Year One, Semester One

SN.Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
1FETE 513Basic Programming223
2AEMS 501Automotive Engines &Emission Control223
3AEMS 511Automotive Chassis &Vehicle Body Engineering234
4AEMS 521Advanced Automotive Electricals and Electronics223
5AEMS 533Automotive Drive Train Engineering223
6AEMS 541Advanced CAD and Modelling223

Year One, Semester Two

SN.Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
1AEMS 522Electronic Engine Management System223
2AEMS 536Advance Vehicle Dynamics223
3AEMS 524Electric Vehicle Powertrain223
4AEMS 552Transport Management &Maintenance Engineering324
5FETE 520Research Methods for Engineers202
6AEMS 544Computational Fluid Dynamics223

Year Two, Semester One

SN.CourseCodeCourse TitleTPC
 AEMS 691Automotive Research Seminar I   
1AEMS 693Thesis I01515

Year Two, Semester Two

SN.CourseCodeCourse TitleTPC
 AEMS 692Automotive Research Seminar II   
1AEMS 694Thesis II01515

Master of Science in Business Administration and Innovation (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Master of Technology in Civil Engineering (Water & Environmental Engineering)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Civil Engineering

Master of Technology in Civil Engineering (Roads and Highway Engineering)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Civil Engineering

Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular Only

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Chemical Engineering

Master of Technology in Water and Environmental Engineering

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Civil Engineering

Master of Technology in Construction Technology

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Built & Natural Environment

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Building Technology

The Construction Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Ghanaian economy. This is not by accident, but due to the fact that Ghana is a developing country and has a fast-growing human population. Ghana has a reasonable supply of craftsmen with traditional knowledge, skills and experience in building construction processes. Similarly, there is a considerable amount of quality middle level and top management construction personnel playing vital roles in the construction industry, albeit below the market demand. The number of professionals within the supervisory level of the industry is dwindling, due to the lack of a progression path for graduates from a purely technological background, causing most of them to divert into the construction management fields.

Ghana, as a developing country, needs expansion and efficiency in the building construction industry in order to achieve its developmental objectives. The growth or improvement cannot be limited to the application of traditional practices in the industry, because a rapid change in the global technological phenomenon has caught up with all industries and nations.

Aim and Objectives

The aim of the Master of Technology programme in Construction Technology is to develop highly skilled manpower with requisite knowledge, skills and technology appreciation, to function effectively and efficiently in providing the vital link in the chain of operation in the building construction industry.


 The objectives of the programme are to:

  1. Equip students with theoretical, practical and conceptual skills needed to undertake professional tasks in the construction industry.
  2. Train students to acquire critical and analytical skills needed to perform professional tasks in the construction industry. 
  3. Develop capacities of students to conduct research in new developmental trends in the construction industry.
  4. Equip students with entrepreneurial skills needed to propel them into business, especially the construction industry. 
  5. Train students to acquire and develop transferable hands-on skills demanded by employers
  6. Equip students with the knowledge in professional ethics in the construction industry and the implications of noncompliance.   
  7. To train students using modern facilities, thus ensuring practical experience regarding construction site management. 

Study Outcomes

At the end of the programme, students should be able to:

  1. Perform professional tasks such as auditing construction designs, plan and supervise construction projects.
  2. Critically analyse problems in the construction projects delivery value chain and provide scientific solutions to address them.
  3. Perform the functions of a site manager/ engineer in the delivery of projects using project site management tools and techniques that are commonly used in the industry.
  4. Conduct problem-solving research to address challenges in the industry and also discover innovative materials to improve the sector.
  5. Create businesses and apply modern management principles to create employment opportunities for the unemployed.
  6. Train artisans with skills such as setting out, sustainable technologies adoption and materials selection, construction products development etc. 
  7. Uphold the highest ethical standards in the performance of their duties.

Admission, Progression and Graduation Requirements 

Entry Requirements

General Qualifications

  1. BTech certificate holders with a minimum of Second Class (Lower) Division and relevant working experience;
  2. A good first degree holders with a minimum of Second Class (Lower) Division; 
  3. Candidates should have obtained a good first degree in the following fields: Building Technology, Quantity Surveying, Construction Management, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Infrastructure Planning, Real Estate or any other relevant field.

Programme Requirements

In addition to 8.1.1, Candidates must attend and pass an interview session to be granted access to the programme.


Duration and Progression

The MTech Construction Technology programme will span a period of TWO YEARS in duration. A student who is not able to complete the programme within eight (8) semesters shall be withdrawn. 

To progress from year one (1) to year two (2) a student should have taken all the required courses. A student who trails any course shall be given the chance to Re-sit the examination(s) before the beginning of the next academic year.  

Graduation Requirements

To successfully graduate from the programme and qualify for the award of the MTech in Construction Technology, candidates must satisfy the following conditions. The student must have:

  1. Passed all required courses of the programme.
  2. Achieved the minimum 103 credit hours applicable to the programme. 
  3. Obtained a minimum of 50% in any examination. iv. Obtained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 1.5 or better.
  4. Submitted and successfully defended a dissertation. vi. his/her results and performance confirmed by the Academic Board of KsTU. 

Employment / Job Opportunities

MTech graduates in Construction Technology can be employed in many different sectors of the economy. Based on an extensive web survey in addition to knowledge of the local situation in Ghana the following areas of potential employment were distinguished:

Real Estate. 

Design/Engineering (Design and Construction), 

Quantity Surveying, 

Construction Management

Master of Technology in Applied Statistics (Environmental Statistics)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Applied Sciences & Technology

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Statistical Sciences



The programme is a Master of Technology (MTech) degree in Environmental Statistics. It is an advanced programme aimed at providing in-depth knowledge in environmental data analysis and/or contributes to the body of knowledge through research.


a) To enable students understand the fundamental principles in environmental data analysis and inference to develop new knowledge and solve existing problems.

b) To equip students with Professional and Technical Skills in environmental Statistics.

c) To introduce students to research skills in Environmental Statistics.

d) To introduce students to the theoretical concepts in Statistics


BTech or BSc Statistics/BTech or BSc Environmental Statistics/or equivalent qualification. All applicants must have a minimum of one (1) year post qualification industrial experience. Preference will be given to applicants with 1st class and 2nd class upper honours. First class BTech Environmental Statistics applicants may be admitted without the post-graduation industrial experience. Applicants with a second class (lower division) or lower qualifications must pass a selection interview before admission into the programme. 


MES 501Multivariate Methods1 22
MES 503Linear Statistical Modelling I101
MES 505Time Series Analysis2 23
MES 507Advanced Statistical Inference2 23
MES 509Environmental Statistics Project I0 42
MES 511Environmental Sampling1 11
MES 513Measurement of Environmental elements (Air andclimate, water resources parameters, Forest, Land and Soil indicators and Pollution and waste elements2 23
MES 515Advanced Probability Distributions1 11
MES 517The Environment: Concepts, Human Influence andChanges1 22
MES 530Environmental & Natural Resource Economics(elective)111
MES 550Statistics and Climate Change (elective)2 22
Total14 1821
MES 502Statistical Computing12 2
MES 504Environmental Modelling and GIS21 2
MES 506Spatial Data Analysis22 3
MES 508Decision making analysis (Multi-Objective decisionmaking, Operations Research)202
MES 510Advanced Research Methods20 2
MES 512Linear Statistical Modelling II12 2
MES 514Environmental Management (EnvironmentalMonitoring and Evaluation, Project Management)21 2
MES 516Environmental and social impact assessment20 2
MES 518Environmental Statistics ProjectII04 2
MES 540Natural Resource Management (elective)101
MES 560Ecology and Ecosystem Science in Relation toEnvironment (elective)10 1
Total1514 21
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MES 500Industrial Attachment0126
TOTAL 0126

The credit hours for attachment will be added to the first semester of year two

Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MES 521Seminar I (Comprehensive Exams)063
MES 523Seminar II (Presentation of Preliminary Results)063
MES 525Thesis I0189
TOTAL 03015
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MES 522Seminar III (Presentation of Final Report)063
MES 524Seminar IV (FinalThesis Defence)0126
MES 526Thesis II02412
TOTAL 03621

Master of Technology in Applied Statistics (Financial Statistics)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Applied Sciences & Technology

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Statistical Sciences



The Master of Technology in Financial Statistics is developed to actualize the strategic 
goal and objectives of Kumasi Technical University. It is an advanced programme aimed 
at providing in-depth knowledge in financial data analysis to professional who will be 
capable of performing middle level functions in the financial and other analogous sectors
and capable of contributing to the body of knowledge through research.


The main objectives of the MTech programme are to:

a) Produce financial data analysts who are capable of demonstrating strong ethical, technical and professional skills which will enable them to appreciate the fundamental principles in financial data analysis.

b) Equip financial data analysts with Professional and Technical Skills in Financial Statistics.

c) Develop research skills of students in Financial Statistics.

d) Chart a new path of training practical oriented financial data analysts in theoretical concepts in Statistics based on Competency Based Training.


a. BTech / BSc Statistics, Financial Statistics, Economics

b. All applicants must have a minimum of one (1) year post- qualification industrial experience. Preference will be given to applicants with 1st class and 2nd class upper honours. First class BTech Financial Statistics applicants may be admitted without the post-graduation industrial experience. Applicants with a second class (lower division) or lower qualifications must pass a selection interview before admission into the programme. Applicants with other Statistics or Mathematics backgrounds would be required to take relevant Financial Science courses as prerequisites. 

Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/ WEEK
MFS 501Multivariate Methods212
MFS 503Linear Statistical Modelling212
MFS 505Time Series Analysis223
MFS 507Advanced Statistical Inference212
MFS 509Financial Statistics Project I042
MFS 511Advanced Microeconomics212
MFS 513Financial Risk Management212
MFS 515Advanced Probability Distributions212
MFS 517Financial Statistics ProjectII042
MFS 519Stochastic Processes212
Total 161721
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MFS 500Industrial Attachment0126
TOTAL 0126
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MFS 521Seminar I (Comprehensive Exams)063
MFS 523Seminar II (Presentation of Preliminary Results)063
MFS 525Thesis I0189
TOTAL 03015
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MFS 500Industrial Attachment0126
TOTAL 0126
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MFS 521Seminar I (Comprehensive Exams)063
MFS 523Seminar II (Presentation of Preliminary Results)063
MFS 525Thesis I0189
TOTAL 03015
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MFS 522Seminar III (Presentation of Final Report)063
MFS 524Thesis II02412
MFS 526Seminar IV (Final Thesis Defence)0126
TOTAL 03621

Master of Technology in Applied Statistics (Health Statistics)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Regular/Evening/Weekend

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Applied Sciences & Technology

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Statistical Sciences


The programme is a Master of Technology (MTech) degree in Applied Statistics (Health Statistics). It is an advanced programme aimed at providing in-depth knowledge in Health data analysis and/or contributing to the body of knowledge through research.


The objectives are to:

a) Develop strong ethical, technical, and professional skills which will enable students understand and appreciate the fundamental principles in health data analysis.

b) Equip students with Professional and Technical Skills in health statistics.

c) Introduce students to research skills in health statistics.

d) Introduce students to the theoretical concepts in statistics.


BTech or BSc Biostatistics/Health Statistics/or equivalent qualification. All applicants must have a minimum of one (1) year post- qualification industrial experience. Preference will be given to applicants with first class and second class upper honours. First class BTech Health Statistics applicants may be admitted without the post-graduation industrial experience. Applicants with a second class (lower division) or lower qualifications must pass a selection interview before admission into the programme. Applicants with other Statistics or Mathematics backgrounds would be required to take relevant Health Science courses as prerequisites.


 Programme structure

Course codeCourse nameTPC
MHS 501Multivariate Methods223
MHS 503Linear Statistical Modelling143
MHS 505Time Series Analysis143
MHS 507Advanced Statistical Inference223
MHS 509Health Statistics Project I042
MHS 511Principles of Public Health111
MHS 513Applied Health Statistics223
MHS 515Advanced Probability Distributions111
MHS 517Health Statistics Project II042
TOTAL 82821
Course CodeCourse NameTPC
MHS 502Clinical Trials212
MHS 504Statistical Reporting on Clinical Research143
MHS 506Spatial Data Analysis122
MHS 508Concept of Epidemiology212
MHS 510Application of Epidemiology to Diseases143
MHS 512Health Statistics ProjectIII042
MHS 514Survival Data Analysis143
MHS 516Medical Sociology212
MHS 518Health Statistics ProjectIV042
TOTAL 102521
Course CodeCourse NameTPC
MHS 500Industrial Attachment0126
TOTAL 0126
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MHS 521Seminar I (Comprehensive Exams)063
MHS 523Seminar II (Presentation of Preliminary Results)063
MHS 525Thesis I0189
TOTAL 03615
Course CodeCourse NameHOURS/WEEK
MHS 522Seminar III (Presentation of Final Report)063
MHS 524Thesis II02412
MHS 526Seminar IV (Final Thesis Defence)0126
TOTAL 03621

Master of Technology in Accounting Information Systems

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Accountancy and Accounting Information Systems

Programme Aims, Objectives and Outcomes programme.


The aim of the MTech Accounting with Information Systems programme at Kumasi Technical University is to provide students with a comprehensive and advanced education in accounting, coupled with the knowledge and skills required for effective utilization of information systems in accounting processes. This programme aims to produce graduates who are well-equipped to meet the evolving demands of the accounting profession in a digital age.


The programme objectives are:

1. Advanced Accounting Knowledge: To provide students with an in-depth understanding of advanced accounting principles, practices, and standards.

2. Information Systems Proficiency: To equip students with the necessary skills to design, implement, and manage information systems for accounting and financial reporting.

3. Data Analytics Skills: To develop students’ ability to analyze financial data and derive meaningful insights for informed decision-making.

4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: To foster critical thinking and problemsolving skills for addressing complex accounting and financial issues

5. Ethical and Regulatory Compliance: To instill a strong sense of ethics and compliance with accounting and financial regulations in students.

6. Research Competence: To enhance students’ research skills, enabling them to conduct rigorous research in accounting, information systems and related fields, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the discipline.

7. Professional Development: To prepare students for professional and terminal degree (PhD) certifications in accounting and information Systems such as the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Accountant-Ghana (ICA), PhD in Accounting by providing a rigorous academic foundation and practical skills

Intended/Expected Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to:

1. Perform advanced financial reporting functions to enable strategic decisions.

2. Conduct business intelligence analytics and reporting.

3. Apply advanced Computer-Aided Auditing Techniques in the planning and execution of audits.

4. Conduct risk assessment and risk management in the computerised work 

5. Perform advanced investment and financial analytics using time saver and other audit applications in excel.

6. Design efficient and effective accounting information systems for different organisations.

7. Plan, design and write advanced business research proposal reports.

8. Conduct full-scale business research and produce a dissertation output.

Entry Requirements

This MTech in Accounting Information Systems will consider the following first-degree holders for admission:

  1. BTech Accounting or BSc. Accounting or equivalent qualification. Preference will be given to applicants with 1st Class and 2nd Class Upper Honours. First Class BTech/BCom/BSc Admin Accounting applicants may be admitted without post-graduation industrial experience.
  2. BSc Administration or BCom with at least two years working experience in accounting and finance portfolios.
  3. BTech/BSc Finance or equivalent with industrial experience
  4. Applicants with an MBA or equivalent may also apply
  5. Applicants with CFE, ICA, ACCA, CIMA or its equivalency may apply.

Foreign Applicants

  • Foreign applicants from accredited/recognized institutions would be considered for admission in consultation with the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission for the determination of equivalences for qualifications.


Applicants working in law enforcement agencies who have accounting background will have an added advantage.

Programme Structure

First Semester

MACT 501Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice303
MACT 503Performance Management303
MACT 505Financial Management303
MACT 507Corporate Governance and Ethics303
MACT 509Practical: Project 5.1. Quantitative Financial Analytics143
 Research Seminar000
Total 130415

Second Semester

MACT 502Advanced Financial Reporting & AccountingConcept303
MACT 504Audit and Assurance303
MACT 506Taxation223
MACT 508Applied Econometrics303
MACT 510Practical: Project 5.2. Enterprise ResourcePlanning Systems143
 Research Seminar000
Total 120615

Third Semester

Course CodeCourse NameTPC
MACT 601Public Sector Accounting, Finance and Economics303
MACT 603Strategic Business Leadership & Entrepreneurship303
MACT 605Business Research Methods303
MACT 607Practical: Project 6.1. Advanced Information SystemsAudit143
MACT 609Practical: Project 6.2.Thesis063
 Research Seminar000
TOTAL 101015

Fourth Semester.

Course CodeCourse NameTPC
MACT 602Accounting and Research Seminars063
MACT 604Project 6.3. Thesis0912
TOTAL 01515

Master of Engineering In Automotive Engineering

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 1 Year

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department Of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The MEng in Automotive Engineering programme has therefore been designed in line with the Strategic Plan of the institution (KsTU Strategic Plan 2017-2021) which is derived from the Technical Universities Act. While the vision of Kumasi Technical University is to be a world-class technical university devoted to science, technology and entrepreneurship education, its mission is to provide quality teaching, learning and research in engineering, science, technology, and entrepreneurship to promote industrial development in Ghana. As a competency-based and skills-centred engineering programme, the MEng in Automotive Engineering will partly fulfil the mission of the institution. 

Programme Aims, Objectives and Outcomes. 


 The aim of the Master of Engineering (MEng) programme in Automotive Engineering is to equip students with broads-based scientific knowledge and adequate hands-on skills in automotive engineering and related disciplines so that graduates can cope with emerging trends and advancements in technology. 


The objectives of the MEng Automotive Engineering programme are to: 

  1. Impact adequate theoretical concepts related to automotive engineering. 
  2. Develop capacities of students in conducting research on current and emerging automotive industry. 
  3. Impact students with adequate knowledge of modern theories and practice-based skills in automotive engineering. 
  4. Train students to acquire knowledge transfer skills in Higher Institutions of Learning environment and also prepare them for terminal degrees. 

Intended/Expected Outcomes  

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to: 

  1. To diagnose and service automobiles service with high professional and ethical standards. 
  2. Design and simulate automotive components and systems using CAD and simulation tools. 
  3. Install and commission automotive plants and equipment. 
  4. Conduct research into current and emerging automobile challenges. 
  5. Teach in Higher Institutions of Learning and also pursue their terminal degrees. 

Students’ Admission, Progression and Graduation 

Admission Requirement  

One year-Master in Eng in Automotive Engineering or related disciplines are eligible for admission. They will be admitted into year 2 of the programme. 

Bachelors’ Degree (BSc/BTech/BEd) Qualification   

First degree (BTech/BSc/Bed. etc) certificate with a minimum of Second Class (Lower) Division in a related engineering discipline such as automotive/automobile, mechanical, electrical, mechatronic, agricultural, aerospace and marine. Working experience in the related field is seen as an advantage. Candidates with second-class lower must pass an interview session to be granted access to the programme. 

Foreign Qualification   

All foreign qualifications will be referred to Ghana Tertiary Education Council (GTEC) for determination of equivalences, eligibility and placement when admitted to pursue the programme. 


The MEng Automotive Engineering programme has a one-year duration of four semesters. To qualify for the award of Meng in Automotive Engineering, a student should have taken all the required courses. A student who trails any course(s) shall be given the chance to Re-sit the examination(s) before the beginning of the next academic year. A student who is unable to complete the programme shall be granted an additional year (two semesters) to complete, failure to complete within the grace period shall be face the consequences of withdrawal.   

Grades and Grading System  

Grades are determined and assigned by teachers according to the guidelines indicated in Table 10.1. Each student‘s academic achievement and fulfilment of degree requirements are reflected in the transcripts, which are issued at the end of each semester.  Percentage marks are converted into letter grades and grade points using Table 10.1. The class designations are in Table 10.2. 

 Conversion of percentage scores into letter grades and grade points 

A+  85 – 100  5  
A  80 – 84  4.5  
B+  75 – 79  4.0  
B  70 – 74   3.5  
C+  65 – 69  3.0  
C  60 – 64   2.5  
D+  55 – 59  2.0  
D  50 – 54   1.5  
F  Below 50  0  

Students‘ cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points obtained up to any specified time by the total number of credits for all courses for which the student has registered up to that time. 

                                                                     Class designation 
1st Class  4.00 and above  
2nd Class Upper  3.00 – 3.99  
2nd Class Lower  2.00 – 2.99  
Pass  1.50 – 1.99   
Fail  Below 1.50  

  Requirements for Graduation 

A student will qualify for graduation when he or she has fulfilled the following. 

  1. obtained a minimum graduation requirement.   
  2. passed all required courses.   
  3. obtained a minimum CGPA of 1.5 
  4. and have a paper published in a peer review journal in relation to his studies.   

The minimum credit requirement for graduating is 61 credit hours and a maximum of 71. 

Target Market and Employability: 

Target Market  

The programme is designed to target graduates from Technical Universities, Science and Engineering Universities, Colleges of Education, Engineering Researchers. 


MEng graduates in Automotive Engineering can be employed in many different sectors of the economy. Based on an extensive web survey in addition to knowledge of the local situation in Ghana the following areas of potential employment were distinguished: 

  1. Vehicle assembly plants 
  2. Mining Industries 
  3. Oil and Gas industries 
  4. Educational institutions 
  5. Agricultural Mechanization Industry 
  6. Automotive dealerships (Toyota Ghana, CFAO Motors, Japan Motors, Silver Star Motors etc   
  7. Public Service Commission (Ministries, Government agencies and departments) 
  8.  Security Services 

Course Schedule   Below is the schedule of courses to be taught in the MEng Automotive Engineering programme 

 Year One, Semester One 

SN.  Course Code  Course Title  T P C 
FETE 513 Basic Programming   
AEMS 501 Automotive Engines & Emission Control 
AEMS 511 Automotive Chassis & Vehicle Body Engineering 
AEMS 521 Advanced Automotive Electronics and Diagnosis 
AEMS 533 Automotive Drive Train Engineering 
AEMS 541 Advanced CAD and Modelling 
AEMS 547 Automotive Project I 
Total   13 23 21 

 Year One, Semester Two 

SN.  Course Code  Course Title  T P C 
AEMS 522 Electronic Engine Management System  
AEMS 524 Electric Vehicle Powertrain 
AEMS 552 Transport Management & Maintenance Engineering 
FETE 520 Research Methods for Engineers 
AEMS 548 Automotive Project II 
Total                            13 15 18 

Master of Science in Business Administration and Innovation (Accountancy)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Accountancy and Accounting Information Systems

The aim of the MSc in Business Administration and Innovation – Accountancy Option programme is to provide students with an advanced and interdisciplinary education that combines the principles of accountancy with innovative thinking and entrepreneurship. This programme is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic and evolving field of accountancy, while fostering an innovative mindset that can drive positive change in organizations and society.


The objectives of this programme are as follows:

  1. Advanced Accountancy Skills: To provide students with an in-depth understanding of advanced financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, and specialized accounting topics, enabling them to excel in professional accounting roles.
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: To foster innovation and entrepreneurial thinking among students, equipping them with the skills and mindset to identify opportunities for innovation, lead change, and create value within organizations.
  3. Ethical Decision-Making: To instill ethical values and principles in accounting practice, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to navigate complex ethical dilemmas and make socially responsible decisions.
  4. Strategic Management: To develop strategic thinking and leadership skills, enabling students to contribute to the development and execution of effective business strategies within organizations
  5. Research Competence: To enhance students’ research skills, enabling them to conduct rigorous research in accounting and related fields, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the discipline.
  6. Professional Development: To prepare students for professional and terminal degree (PhD) certifications in accounting, such as the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Accountant Ghana (ICA), PhD in Accounting by providing a rigorous academic foundation and practical skills.

Intended/Expected Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to: 

  1. Comprehend advanced theoretical and practical concepts related to the field of business administration and innovation.
  2. Acquire an in-depth understanding of advanced financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, and specialized accounting topics to excel in a professional accounting role.
  3. Acquire advanced critical and analytical skills related to business and innovation.
  4. Understand professional and ethical principles related to business development, consulting, and management of innovation processes.
  5. Have the capacity to handle advanced research in their specialized area.
  6. To be able to transfer knowledge in their various fields of work and be capable of pursuing terminal degrees and professional certification

Admission Requirements

  1. Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor Degree holders in Accounting or Finance or related discipline with a . Applicants must have a Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor’s degree minimum of (Second Class Lower Division) from a recognized University.
  2. Third Class Applicants with Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor Degrees in Accounting or Finance or related discipline with 3 or more years work experience in relevant role may be considered for admission after passing a selectioned interview.
  3. Other Degree holders with Part 2 qualified or fully qualified certificates of ACCA, ICAG, CITG, CIMA, ICAEW, CPA, CFA and or related field of study.
  4. Holders of MBA or Equivalent (Applicants may be exempted from some courses).
  5. HND Accounting holders with Part 2 qualified or fully qualified certificates of ACCA, ICAG, CITG, CIMA, ICAEW, CPA, CFA and or related field of study.

Employment and Employability

The MSc in Business Administration and Innovation (Accountancy) is designed to be useful to every sector of the economy. Apart from training our graduates to be entrepreneurial by setting up consultancies and teaming up with other partners to establish firms, they could be employed in a wide-ranging medium to large organizations in both the private and public sectors. Organizations in the private sector such as Accounting and Audit firms, Banking and Financial Services organizations, the Judicial and para-legal organizations, Pharmaceutical Firms, Construction, Insurance, Merchandising, Mining, Oil and Gas, Timber, Manufacturing, Health, Agriculture, Education, Hospitality and Leisure, Engineering, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to mention a few and this is so because essentially every business activity undertaken involves administration and innovation. Students who graduate with MSc in Business Administration and Innovation will be trained to handle and discharge responsibilities in any organization, be it profit or non-profit.

Programme Structure

This table below provides the course names, course codes and the allocated credit hours for the respective core and elective courses for the MSc programme.

MSc in Business Administration and Innovation (Accountancy option)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSAI 551Management Information Systems.223
MSAI 553Economics for Sustainable Business303
MSAI 555Innovation Management303
MSAC 557Foundation of Business Administration andInnovation303
MSAC 559Managerial Performance and Decision Making303
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSAI 550Business Research Methods303
MSAI 552Legal Environment and Ethics223
MSAI 554International Business Environment303
MSAC 556Strategic Management and Leadership303
MSAC 558Accounting Theoryand Practice223
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSAC 651Corporate Reporting303
MSAC 653Advanced Auditing and Assurance303
MSAC 655Advanced Taxation303
MSAC 657Innovation in Accounting Practices223
MSAC 659Applied Econometrics303
MSAC 661Research Seminar606
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSAC 650Seminar303
MSAC 652MSc. Dissertation12012

Master of Science in Business Administration and Innovation (Procurement and Supply Chain Management)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Admission Requirements

HND Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management or related discipline holders with fundamental level of CIPS-UK/CILT or related field of study.

Bachelor degree holders in Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management or related discipline with a minimum of (Second Class Lower Division) from a recognized University.

Third Class Applicants with bachelor degrees in Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, or related discipline with 3 or more years work experience in relevant role may be considered for admission after passing a selection interview.

Other degree holders with level 6 or fully qualified certificates of CIPS-UK, Advanced Diploma of CILT or related field of study (subject to equivalence determination by GTEC)

Holders of MBA or Equivalent (Applicants may be exempted from some courses)

Master of Science in Business Administration and Innovation (Management Organizational Development)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Aims, Objectives and Outcomes programme.


The programme aims to integrate a strong understanding of the business environment with afocus on the management of innovation processes and business development. The programme gives an excellent foundation for future career opportunities. The Programme offers a unique combination of theory and practice to ensure a solid theoretical basis and tools readily employable in Ghana and globally.


The objectives of this programme are to:

i. To teach advanced theoretical and practical concepts related to the field of business administration and innovation. This would be anchored on strong, sustainable, and competitively advantageous skills.

ii. Train prospective students to acquire advanced critical and analytical skills related to business and innovation.

iii. To teach students the professional and ethical principles related to business development, consulting, and management of innovation processes.

iv. To develop the capacities of students in handling advanced research in their specialized area.

v. To provide avenues for knowledge transfer in the tertiary education environment as well as prepare students for terminal degree (PhD).

Intended/Expected Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to:

1. Comprehend advanced theoretical and practical concepts related to the field of business administration and innovation.

2. Acquire advanced critical and analytical skills related to business and innovation.

3. Understand professional and ethical principles related to business development, consulting, and management of innovation processes.

4. Have the capacity to handle advanced research in their specialized area.

5. To be able to transfer knowledge in their various fields of work and be capable of understanding terminal degrees.

Admission Requirements

  1. Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor Degree holders in Secretaryship and Management Studies, Business Administration (Management option) or related discipline with a . Applicants must have a Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor’s degree minimum of (Second Class Lower Division) from a recognized University.
  2. Third Class Applicants with Bachelor or of Technology/Bachelor Degrees in Secretaryship and Management Studies, Business Administration (Management option) or related discipline with 3 or more years work experience in relevant role may be considered for admission after passing a selection interview.
  3. Other d Degree holders with part qualification of CIPD and ICSA or fully qualified certificates of CIPD and ICSA (Level 5).
  4. Holders of MBA or Equivalent (Applicants may be exempted from some courses)
  5. HND Secretaryship and Management Studies, Business Administration (Management option) or related discipline with fully qualified certificates of CIPD or ICSA final. 

Employment and Employability

The MSc in Business Administration and Innovation (Management and Organizational Development) is designed to be useful to every sector of the economy. Apart from training our graduates to be entrepreneurial by setting up consultancies and teaming up with other partners to establish firms, they could be employed in a wide-ranging medium to large organisations inboth the private and public sectors. Organisations in the private sector such as Accounting and Audit firms, Banking and Financial Services organisations, Judicial and para-legal organisations, Pharmaceutical Firms, Construction, Insurance, Merchandising, Mining, Oil and Gas, Timber, Manufacturing, Health, Agriculture, Education, Hospitality and Leisure, Engineering, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to mention a few and this is so because essentially every business activity undertaken involves administration and innovation. Students 
who graduate with an MSc in Business Administration and Innovation will be trained to handle and discharge responsibilities in any organization, be it profit or non-profit.

Components of the Programme

a.Core Course(s)

This part of the table provides the core courses to be offered by all registered students in semesters one and two in the first year, regardless of their specialisations.

MSc in Management and Organizational Development
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Load
MSAI 551Management Information Systems3
MSAI 553Economics for Sustainable Business3
MSAI 555Innovation Management3
MSMO 557Emotional Intelligence3
MSMO 559Advanced Management3


Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Load
MSAI 550Business Research Methods3
MSAI 552Legal Environment and Ethics3
MSAI 554International Business Environment3
MSMO 556People Management3
MSMO 558Overview of Organizational Development3

b.Elective Course(s)

This part of the table provides the courses under the various specialisations from third semester onwards (second academic year).


Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Load
MSMO 651Project Management3
MSMO 653Strategic Human Resource Management3
MSMO 655Organizational Development Consulting3
MSMO 657Industrial and LabourRelations Management3
MSMO 659Strategic Management and Leadership3
MSMO 661Research Proposal Defence6
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSMO 654Seminar 00
MSMO 652MSc dissertation 1515

Master of Science in Business Administration and Innovation (Strategic Marketing)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Marketing


The aim of this MSc programme is to improve prospective students’ (participants’) managerial effectiveness in the increasingly digitized, and globalized field of marketing. It will deepen students understanding of the relationship between marketing and the wider organisation, as well as the organisation and its customers, enabling them to adopt a holistic forward-looking approach to marketing to achieve long-term sustainable competitive advantage. Additionally, the Programme offers a unique combination of theory and practice to ensure a solid theoretical basis and tools readily employable in Ghana and globally.


The objectives of this programme are to: 

1. To teach advanced theoretical and practical concepts related to the field of business administration, innovation, and Strategic Marketing.

2. To develop prospective students’ knowledge of specialist units that explore contemporary issues for today’s marketers, complemented by broader management units, to advance their leadership skills.

3. Offer aspiring and developing managers the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, skills and understanding of marketing management that can help them make a positive difference for future employers.

4. Train prospective students to acquire advanced critical and analytical skills related to business, marketing, and innovation.

5. To teach students the professional and ethical principles related to business development, consulting, and management of innovation processes.

6. To develop capacities of students in handling advanced research in their business and marketing.

7. To provide avenues for knowledge transfer in the tertiary education environment as well as prepare students for terminal degree (PhD).

Intended/Expected Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to:

1. Comprehend advanced theoretical and practical concepts related to the field of business administration and innovation.

2. Acquire advanced critical and analytical skills related to business and innovation.

3. Understand professional and ethical principles related to business development, consulting, and management of innovation processes.

4. Have the capacity to handle advanced research in their specialized area.

5. To be able to transfer knowledge in their various fields of work and be capable of understanding terminal degrees. 

Admission Requirements

  1. Bachelor degree holders in Marketing or related discipline with a minimum of (Second Class Lower Division) from a recognized University.
  2. Third Class applicants with bachelor degrees in Marketing or related discipline with 3 or more years work experience in relevant role may be considered for admission after passing a selected interview.
  3. Other degree holders with Professional Diploma CIM-UK or related field of study.
  4. Holders of MBA or Equivalent (Applicants may be exempted from some courses)
  5. HND Marketing holders or related discipline with Professional Diploma CIM-UK.

Employment and Employability

The MSc in Business Administration and Innovation is designed to be useful to every sector of the economy. Apart from training our graduates to be entrepreneurial by setting up consultancies and teaming up with other partners to establish firms, they could be employed in a wide-ranging medium to large organisations in both the private and public sectors. Organisations in the private sector such as Accounting and Audit firms, Banking and Financial Services organisations, the Judicial and para-legal organisations, Pharmaceutical Firms, Construction, Insurance, Merchandising, Mining, Oil and Gas, Timber, Manufacturing, Health, Agriculture, Education, Hospitality and Leisure, Engineering, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to mention a few and this is so because essentially every business activity undertaken involves administration and innovation. Students who graduate with MSc in Business Administration and Innovation will be trained to handle and discharge responsibilities in any organization, be it profit or non-profit.

Components of the Programme

a.Core Course(s)

This part of the table provides the core courses to be offered by all registered students in semesters one and two in the first year, regardless of their specializations.


CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit Loads
MSAI 551Management Information Systems.233
MSSM 553Consumer Experience and Behaviour233
MSAI 555Economics for Sustainable Business233
MSAI 557Innovation Management233
MSSM 559Value Based Marketing233
CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSAI 550Business Research Methods233
MSAI 552Ethics, Legal Environment, and sustainable policy233
MSSM 554Integrated Marketing Communication and Media Management233
MSAI 556International Business Environment233
MSSM 558Marketing Technology and Innovation233


Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Points
MSSM 651Marketing leadership233
MSSM 653Strategic BrandManagement233
MSSM 657Digital Marketing Strategy andPlanning233
MSSM 659Marketing Research233
MSSM 661Thesis 1033
CourseCodeCourse TitleCreditPoints
MSSM 654Seminar033
MSSM 656Marketing Management in Action033
MSSM 658Strategic Service Management033
MSSM 662MSc dissertation066

Master of Science in Business Administration and Innovation (Sustainable Banking and Finance)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Business and Management Studies

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Banking Technology and Finance


The programme aims to develop future leaders with strong banking and finance foundation and expertise in emerging trends of sustainable banking and finance. As global financial space is fast embracing the precepts of sustainable banking and finance, this programme aims to churn out graduates with the requisite expertise to guide the implementation of sustainable banking and finance practices whiles helping expand the frontiers of the world’s 
understanding of sustainable banking and finance.


The objectives of this programme are to:

1. Build strong foundation for students in the area of banking and finance.

2. Build upon the foundation of banking and finance by transitioning into emerging concepts of sustainable banking and finance.

3. Develop students to appreciate the mechanics of risk management in credit delivery; management of financial resources at the highest level of decision-making; appreciate global perspectives on financial sector regulations; and understand and work with the emerging trends of digital finance.

4. Provide rewarding career pathways in banking and finance, including areas such as financial risk management, GARP-Sustainability, and credit risk management.

5. Provide avenues for students to prepare themselves for higher research degrees as well as Risk Professional Certification.

3.Intended/Expected Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to:

1. Work on sustainable banking and finance issues in the banking and finance space. This encompasses economic, social, and governance parameters of sustainability in banking and finance.

2. Conduct high level assessment of compliance issues relating to sustainable banking and finance practices.

3. Advise financial institutions on implementation dynamics of sustainable banking and finance.

4. Conduct research in the area of sustainable banking and finance.

Admission Requirements


1.This MSc will consider the following first-degree holders for admission:

2. BTech or BSc. in Business related programmes or equivalent qualifications.

Preference will be given to applicants with 1st Class and 2nd Class Upper Honours.

3. Applicants with masters in any business related fields or science and engineering may 
also apply.

4. Applicants with CIB Ghana, ICA, ACCA, CIMA or their equivalence may apply.


1.Foreign applicants from accredited/recognized institutions would be considered for admission in consultation with the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission for the determination of qualifications for equivalences.

Components of the Programme

a.Core Course(s)

This part of the table provides the core courses to be offered by the students in semesters one and two in the first year. Courses with course codes “MBAI” are general core courses for all students registered for the MSc programme regardless of the specialisation. Courses with course codes “MBFN” are specific to those registered for the Sustainable Banking and Finance specialisation.

Mandatory courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit load
MBAI 551Management Information Systems.3
MBAI 553Statistics and Business Analytics3
MBAI 555Economics forSustainable Business3
MBAI 557Innovation Management3
MBFN 559Accounting for Bankers3
Mandatory courses 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit load
MBAI 550Business Research Methods3
MBAI 552Ethics, Legal Environment and Sustainable Policy3
MBAI 554International Business Environment3
MBFN 556Applied Econometrics3
MBFN 558Banking3

b.Elective Course(s)

These courses are only for students registered for the Banking and Finance specialisation.

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Load
MBFN 651Advanced Financial Management3
MBFN 653Credit Risk Management3
MBFN 655Financial Markets and Institutions3
MBFN 657International Financial Regulations3
MBFN 659Bank Financial Management3
MBFN 661Environmental Law3
Course CodeCourse Title 
MBFN 650Green Finance3
MBFN 652Digital Finance3
MBFN 654MSc dissertation (start from SEMESTER III toIV)12

Master of Engineering In Civil Engineering (Roads and Highway Engineering)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Civil Engineering

The main aim of the MEng in Civil Engineering programme is to produce postgraduates equipped with a high level of relevant technical and managerial expertise needed to perform professional tasks and research inevitable to succeed within the broader civil engineering industry. They will additionally be well trained with the requisite skills and expertise to stand out as independent consultants and contractors.


The objectives of the MEng in Civil Engineering programme are to:

  1. Equip graduates with theoretical and conceptual skills needed to undertake professional tasks in the main Civil Engineering industry;
  2. Teach students to acquire critical and analytical skills needed to perform professional task in the Civil Engineering industry;
  3. Develop capacities of graduates to conduct research in new technological and developmental trends in the Civil Engineering industry;
  4. Develop awareness of stakeholder and societal involvement in all issues related to the Civil Engineering industry; and
  5. Acquire and develop transferable hands-on skills to levels demanded by employers, and to provide professional progression path to higher education (Doctor of Philosophy).

Intended/Expected Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to:

  1. Analyze, design, propose and apply feasible solutions to complex civil engineering problems by applying basic principles of mathematics, science and engineering, and Engineering;
  2. Use the proper combination of professional skills, effective oral and written communication to be productive engineers;
  3. Conduct geotechnical investigations for any civil engineering project;
  4. Plan, design, manage and maintain any Civil Engineering project;
  5. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and information Engineering (IT) tools to complex engineering activities;
  6. Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex civil engineering problems to arrive at replicable and sustainable conclusions;
  7. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of the engineering practice; and
  8. Pursue lifelong learning and professional development to face the challenging and
    emerging needs of our society

Students’ Admission, Progression and Graduation

Admission/Minimum Entry Requirements

First Degree holders

The minimum qualification required for admission to pursue the MEng in Civil Engineering programme is as follow:- An applicant MUST have at least two (2) years industrial or work experience and MUST additionally hold a:

  • Bachelor degree in either Civil or Geomatic Engineering, or Building Engineering, or Construction Management; or
  • Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering;
  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry; or
  • Bachelor degree in Environmental Science: or, Bachelor degree in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: or
  • Bachelor degree in a relevant engineering and science related discipline.
  • First degree in a relevant engineering-related discipline.
  • However, if degree is second class lower or pass division, the applicant MUST additionally pass a selection interview.

HND Holders

Applicants who hold HND in either Civil, Building Engineering or Chemical Engineering and have three (3) years industrial experience, MUST pass a selection interview and do a six (6)-month top-up course before admission into the MEng in Civil Engineering programme.

Professional Qualifications

Foreign Applicants

Foreign applicants who hold relevant degrees from accredited and recognized institutions may be given consideration for admission in consultation with Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for equivalent qualifications assessment to be made.


The award of a MEng in Civil Engineering programme is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge and skills set required for a range of roles and responsibilities within the infrastructural development industry. Therefore, candidates who successfully complete the programme may gain employment in (though not limited to) any of these areas:

  • Consultancy firms;
  • Construction companies;
  • Civil engineering companies;
  • Ghana Water Company;
  • Department of Urban Roads;
  • Department of Feeder Roads;
  • Ghana Highway Authority;
  • Architecture and Engineering Services Limited;
  • Building and Road Research Institute;
  • Community Water and Sanitation Agency;
  • Building materials marketing companies;
  • Mining companies;
  • Water production companies;
  • Sanitation management firms;
  • Regulatory bodies;
  • Transportation, Roads and Highways;
  • Academic institutions;
  • Research institutions;
  • Mining industry; and
  • Self-employment as consultants and contractors.



Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
CVEM 561Pavement Analysis and Design303
CVEM 563Highway Traffic Analysis and Geometric Design303
CVEM 565Pavement and Material Engineering223
CVEM 567CAD for Transportation Engineers063
CVEM 569Environmental Impact Assessment202
CVEM 571Intelligent Transport Systems202
CVEM 573Group Project084
TOTAL 121620


Course CodeCourse TitleTPC
CVEM 570Advanced Traffic Flow Theory303
CVEM 572Project Management202
CVEM 574Numerical Methods and Applied Statistics (Data Analysis)202
CVEM 576Road Transport Management and Economics202
CVEM 578Small Business Financing and Management202
CVEM 580Road and Infrastructure Maintenance Management223
CVEM 582Geographical Information Systems Application223
CVEM 584Group Project084
TOTAL 151221

Master of Engineering In Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 1 Year

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Civil Engineering

The MEng in Civil Engineering programme has therefore been designed in line with the strategic development plan of the institution (KsTU Strategic Plan 2017-2021) which is derived from the Technical Universities Act.  While the vision of Kumasi Technical University is to be a world-class technical university devoted to science, Engineering and entrepreneurship education, its mission is to provide quality teaching, learning and research in engineering, science, Engineering and entrepreneurship to promote industrial development in Ghana.  As a competency-based and skills-centred engineering programme, the MEng in Civil Engineering will partly fulfill the mission of the institution. 

Programme Aims, Objectives and Outcomes


The main aim of the MEng in Civil Engineering programme is to produce postgraduates equipped with a high level of relevant technical and managerial expertise needed to perform professional tasks and research inevitable to succeed within the broader civil engineering industry.  They will additionally be well trained with the requisite skills and expertise to stand out as independent consultants and contractors.  


The objectives of the MEng in Civil Engineering programme are to: 

  1. Equip graduates with theoretical and conceptual skills needed to undertake professional tasks in the main Civil Engineering industry; 
  2. Teach students to acquire critical and analytical skills needed to perform professional task in the Civil Engineering industry; 
  3. Develop capacities of graduates to conduct research in new technological and developmental trends in the Civil Engineering industry; 
  4. Develop awareness of stakeholder and societal involvement in all issues related to the Civil Engineering industry; and 
  5. Acquire and develop transferable hands-on skills to levels demanded by employers, and to provide professional progression path to higher education (Doctor of Philosophy). 

 Intended/Expected Outcomes 

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to:   

  1. Analyze, design, propose and apply feasible solutions to complex civil engineering problems by applying basic principles of mathematics, science and engineering, and Engineering; 
  2. Use the proper combination of professional skills, effective oral and written communication to be productive engineers; 
  3. Conduct geotechnical investigations for any civil engineering project; 
  4. Plan, design, manage and maintain any Civil Engineering project; 
  5. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and information Engineering (IT) tools to complex engineering activities;   
  6. Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex civil engineering problems to arrive at replicable and sustainable conclusions;   
  7. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of the engineering practice; and 
  8. Pursue lifelong learning and professional development to face the challenging and emerging needs of our society. 

Students’ Admission, Progression and Graduation 

  1. Admission/Minimum Entry Requirements   
First Degree holders 

The minimum qualification required for admission to pursue the MEng in Civil Engineering programme is as follow:-  An applicant MUST have at least two (2) years industrial or work experience and MUST additionally hold a: 

  • Bachelor degree in either Civil or Geomatic Engineering, or Building Engineering, or Construction Management; or
    • Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering;
      • Bachelor degree in Chemistry; or
        • Bachelor degree in Environmental Science: or, Bachelor degree in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: or 
        • Bachelor degree in a relevant engineering and science related discipline. 
        • First degree in a relevant engineering-related discipline.   

However, if degree is second class lower or pass division, the applicant MUST additionally pass a selection interview.   

HND Holders 

Applicants who hold HND in either Civil, Building Engineering or Chemical Engineering and have three (3) years industrial experience, MUST pass a selection interview and do a six (6)month top-up course before admission into the MEng in Civil Engineering programme.   

Foreign Applicants 

Foreign applicants who hold relevant degrees from accredited and recognized institutions may be given consideration for admission in consultation with Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for equivalent qualifications assessment to be made. 

  1. Retention or Progression 

Students’ performance shall be evaluated at the end of each semester at both the departmental and faculty board meetings, and the results confirmed by the Academic Board of Kumasi Technical UniversityA student must obtain a CGPA of 1.5 or more for progression to the next level. 

  1. Graduation Requirements 

To successfully graduate from the MEng Civil Engineering programme, students must have satisfied the following requirements: 

  • Passed all the courses under the programme; 
  • Accumulated a minimum of 70 credit hours; 
  • Completed and passed the final project work; 
  • Obtained a cumulative weighted average (CGPA) of at least 1.50; and 
  • Have results confirmed by the Academic Board of Kumasi Technical University. 

Target Market and Employability: 

  1. Target Market 

The course will be accessed by students and workers who have the qualifications stated in section 10. 

  1. Employability 

The award of a MEng in Civil Engineering programme is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge and skills set required for a range of roles and responsibilities within the infrastructural development industry. Therefore, candidates who successfully complete the programme may gain employment in (though not limited to) any of these areas:   

  • Consultancy firms; 
  • Construction companies; 
  • Civil engineering companies; 
  • Ghana Water Company; 
  • Department of Urban Roads; 
  • Department of Feeder Roads; 
  • Ghana Highway Authority; 
  • Architecture and Engineering Services Limited; 
  • Building and Road Research Institute; 
  • Community Water and Sanitation Agency; 
  • Building materials marketing companies;   
  • Mining companies; 
  • Water production companies; 
  • Sanitation management firms; 
  • Regulatory bodies; 
  • Transportation, Roads and Highways; 
  • Academic institutions; 
  • Research institutions;   
  • Mining industry; and 
  • Self-employment as consultants and contractors. 



Course code Subject 
CVEM541 Advanced Concrete Engineering and Design 
CVEM543 Structural Dynamics 
CVEM545 Foundation Engineering 
CVEM547 Soil and Rock Mechanics 
CVEM549 Design of high-rise Buildings 
CVEM551 Design of Industrial structures 
CVEM553 Matrix Structural Analysis 
CVEM555 Module Project 1 
CVEM 557 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking 
                                    Total      16                   6  19 


Course code Subject 
CVEM542 Bridge Analysis and Design 
CVEM544 Prestressed concrete Design 
CVEM546 Numerical Methods/ Finite Element Analysis 
CVEM548 Theory of Plates and Shells 
CVEM550 Computer Applications 
CVEM552 Seminar 
CVEM554 Module Project 2 
CVEM556 Research Methodology for Engineers 
CVEM 558 Small Business Financing and Management 
 Total 15 19 

Master of Engineering In Civil Engineering (Water and Environmental Engineering)

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 1 Year

Programme Area: Engineering

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme

Programme Department: Department of Civil Engineering

The MEng in Water and Environmental Engineering programme has therefore been designed in line with the strategic development plan of the university (KsTU Strategic Plan 2017-2021) which is derived from the Technical Universities Act.  While the vision of Kumasi Technical University is to be a world-class technical university devoted to science, technology and entrepreneurship education, its mission is to provide quality teaching, learning and research in engineering, science, technology and entrepreneurship to promote industrial development in Ghana.  The MEng in Water and Environmental Engineering programme will therefore fulfill the mission of the institution. 

 Programme Aim, Objectives and Outcomes 


The aim of the programme is to develop graduates with sound practical and theoretical background who desire to pursue career in design, management, research and consultancy in the field of Water and Environmental engineering. The graduates will also be giving the requisite skills to set up their own small and medium scale businesses. 


The objectives of the MEng in Water and Environmental Engineering programme are to: 

  1. Develop capacity of graduates to design complex water supply, water treatment, water distribution, and waste management structures.
    1. Enable graduates acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to manage water and sanitation infrastructure.
      1. Build the capacity of graduates to set up and manage their own small and medium scale businesses related to Water and Environmental infrastructure. 
      2. Explore and use relevant modern research tools to undertake comprehensive literature search leading to the development of theoretical basis that buttress research. 
      3. Develop skills required by graduates to conduct research that has real impact on the society with high level of integrity. 
      4. Enable graduates to be able to analyse and explain complex problems within the Water and Environmental engineering industry through advanced knowledge and research training. 
      5. Develop hands-on skills to levels demanded by employers, and to provide professional progression path to higher education (Doctor of Philosophy). 

 Intended/Expected Outcomes 

At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to:   

  1. Analyse and design complex water supply, water treatment, and waste management structures. 
  2. Manage water and sanitation infrastructure. 
  3. Create businesses and apply modern management principles to create employment opportunities for the unemployed. 
  4. Use modern research tools to undertake comprehensive literature search leading to the development of theoretical basis that buttress research. 
  5. Conduct problem-solving research to address challenges in the industry. 
  6. Critically analyse complex problems in the Water and Environmental engineering space to bring understanding for sustainable solutions. 
  7. Perform credibly well in Water and Environmental industry and also pursue lifelong learning and professional development to face the challenging and emerging needs of our society. 

Students’ Admission, Progression and Graduation 

  1. Admission/Minimum Entry Requirements   

 First Degree holders 

The minimum qualification required for admission to pursue the MEng in Water and Environmental Engineering programme is as follow: 

An applicant must have a 

  • Bachelor degree in either Civil or Geomatic Engineering. 
  • Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering 
  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry 
  • Bachelor degree in Environmental Science 
  • Bachelor degree in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 
  • Bachelor in relevant engineering and science related discipline 

However, if degree is second class lower or pass division, the applicant must additionally pass a selection interview.   

Foreign Applicants 

Foreign applicants who hold relevant degrees from accredited and recognized institutions may be given consideration for admission in consultation with Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for equivalent qualifications assessment to be made. 

  1. Retention or Progression 

Students’ performance shall be evaluated at the end of each semester at both departmental and  faculty board meetings, and the results confirmed by the Academic Board of Kumasi Technical  UniversityA student must obtain a CGPA of 1.5 or more for progression to the next level. 

  1. Graduation Requirements 

To successfully graduate from the MEng in Water and Environmental Engineering programme, students must have satisfied the following requirements: 

  • Passed all the courses under the programme; 
  • Accumulated a minimum of 39 credit hours; 
  • Completed and passed the final project work; 
  • Obtained a cumulative weighted average (CGPA) of at least 1.50; and 
  • Have results confirmed by the Academic Board of Kumasi Technical University. 

 Target Market and Employability: 

The graduates of the programme can be employed in a wide range of sectors. These include but not limited to:   

  • Ghana Water Company Limited; 
  • Community Water and Sanitation Agency; 
  • Architecture and Engineering Services Limited; 
  • Building and Road Research Institute and other research institutions; 
  • Water and Sanitation Consultancy firms; 
  • Water Supply and Waste Management firms; 
  • Mining companies; 
  • Academic and higher learning institutions; 
  • Self-employment as consultants and contractors. 


Course code Course title 
CVEM 501 Water Treatment and supply   
CVEM 503 Integrated Water Resources Management 
CVEM 505 Urban Hydrology and Drainage   
CVEM 507 Socio-economic and Env. Evaluation of water Projects 
CVEM 509 Individual Module Project Project 
CVEM 569 Small Business Financing and Management 
CVEM573 Internship 
TOTAL  13 16 21 


Course code Course title 
CVEM 502 Waste Management Technology 
CVEM 504 Waste Water Treatment and Disposal 
CVEM 506 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment 
CVEM 508  Individual Module Project 12 
CVEM 510 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking 
CVEM 512 Research Methods for Engineers 
TOTAL  10 16 18 

Master of Technology in Interior Design and Resource Management

Programme Category: Masters Programmes

Programme Session: Weekend Only

Programme Duration: 2 Years

Programme Area: Creative & Applied Arts

Programme Type: Post Graduate Programme


The aim of the Master of Technology (MTech) programme in Interior Design and Resource Management is to develop highly skilled manpower with requisite knowledge, skills, technological and managerial attitude to perform effectively and efficiently in the interior design and its related resource management industries to supplement the industrial growth
agenda of Ghana.


The objectives of the MTech Interior Design and Resource Management programme are to:

  1. Provide learners with the skills needed to protect and promote sustainability, improve environment and know-how of use and misuse of resources.
  2. Enhance ability of learners to engage in critical thinking by analysing situations, constructing, and selecting viable options to provide functional user-friendly and sustainable interior designing solutions.
  3. Equip learners with theoretical, practical, and conceptual skills needed to manage resources to execute professional tasks in the interior design industry.
  4. Train learners to acquire critical and analytical skills needed to manage resources to perform interior design tasks professionally.
  5. Prepare learners to obtain entrepreneurial skills required to establish start-ups and sustainable businesses, especially in the resource management and interior design
  6. industry.
  7. Incorporate in learners the resource management principles into the creative thinking process in interior designing.

Intended/Expected Outcomes of the Programme

At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to:

  1. Apply broad ideas in interior design and visual merchandising to perform interior design task professionally.
  2. Examine architectural elements, intended function of interior space, and create appropriate design that interprets the needs and desires of users.
  3.  Critically analyse interior design situations and provide scientifically viable userfriendly but sustainable solutions to address the situation.
  4. Perform the functions of furniture and interior designers in the delivery of projects using applicable interior design processes, tools, and techniques.
  5. Establish business start-ups and grow them to be full-scale businesses in the interior design using entrepreneurship and appropriate resource management principles.
  6. Research on new and emerging developments in management of resources in interior design

Employability of Graduates

Graduates of the programme can be employed in a wide range of sectors such as:

Aviation Industries

Building construction firms (as Resource Managers, Interior Designers, Project Managers, and Safety Officers).

District/Municipal and Metropolitan Assemblies (as Resource Managers, Interior Designers, Project Managers, and Safety Officers).9

Financial Institutions (as Resource Managers and Projects Managers).

Marine Industries.

Hospitality Industries

Educational institutions (as Lecturers, Teachers, Instructors, and Technicians etc.)

Security Services

Private Interior Design Firms

You can also read about the cut off points for PHD courses at UCC

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